The recent 5th Indigenous Focus Day (IFD) held in Darwin (6th June) provided a platform for more than 70 First Nations producers, decision makers and consumers to share experiences and ideas about the potential of digital connectivity and to discuss strategies to improve digital inclusion. Co-hosted by IRCA and B4BA, the IFD was facilitated by Christine Ross and featured a keynote address by Senator Malarndirri McCarthy, welcome by IRCA Chair Dot West and presentations by Leonard Hill from DPMC and Stephen Hagan from Batchelor Institute. There were also 13 short presentations covering a range of community-based digital projects and applications, plus four break-out group discussions leading to a policy and action plan.
Delegates reinforced the call from the 2017 forum for Indigenous digital inclusion to become a Closing the Gap measure. They also outlined a 6-point Digital Inclusion Program designed for First Nations communities, including affordable access to mobile and internet and employment of digital mentors to provide peer training and support. See the Press Release of the Indigenous Focus Day and Photos from the day.
This year’s IFD was followed by a Showcase event, which included the launch by NT Minister Lauren Moss of the inDigiMOB digital learning resources app (see story below) and the RMIT/ Telstra Cyber-safety research report.
The IFD was followed by the 7th Broadband for the Bush Forum on 7-8 June, with the theme "Digital Connectivity: What Next?". The Forum attracted close to 200 participants from across Australia, who renewed the call for a remote telecommunications strategy and increased delivery of digital skills for rural and remote Australia. The presentations from the IFD and B4B Forum will be uploaded to the Broadband for the Bush Alliance Website soon.
"I am a Kaytej man and a freelance filmmaker. Our Media promotes our own entertainment and helps educate the wider community."
Heath Baxter, Productions
Preparations are underway for the CONVERGE First Nations Media National Conference and Awards Night, planned for Sydney from 21-23 November 2018. This will be the biggest gathering of First Nations media organisations and practitioners from across the country to date, building upon the fantastic outcomes of CONVERGE Brisbane. Mark the dates in your diary. Details of registration, travel subsidies and Awards nominations coming soon.
National Indigenous Television (NITV) will be honouring NAIDOC 2018 and it's theme Because Of Her, We Can! through an extensive program line-up and national on-air coverage. NAIDOC Week 2018 will celebrate the invaluable contributions and legacy that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women have made – and continue to make –
to community, to family, to history and to the nation.
Following CONVERGE Brisbane March 2018, the IRCA Board has now approved 9 Key Calls to Action by the Australian Government. The Calls to Action call on the Australian Government to renew First Nations broadcasting and media policy through a range of strategic actions and programs.
Government policy and funding has not kept up with changes in the industry. There has been no First Nations broadcasting and media government policy since the late 1990s. Funding has declined significantly in real terms over the last ten years, creating challenges for the sector to move forward in a convergent era.
The lack of policy and inadequate funding is compromising the sector's ability to upgrade equipment, expand employment for young people and tell the stories that are so vital to the wellbeing of First Nations peoples and communities.
We are calling on the Australian Government to support and partner with the industry to help fully realise the potential of the sector through the programs and actions set out in the Call for Action documents. We ask Government to be part of growing and sustaining the sector for the benefit of First Nations peoples, as well as growing greater understanding of First Nations cultures for the benefit of non-Indigenous Australia. The Overview and Calls for Action are available for download from the IRCA website.
Digital Mentors and Digital Access Workers from across the NT came together with the inDigiMOB team in Darwin for two days of digital workshop activities prior to the Broadband for the Bush forum.
The group was gifted with a wonderful welcome to Larrakia country by Turtleback Cultural Services. This was followed by various digital activities including creating animations using modelling clay captured on iPads and camera, recording and using GPS coordinates in digital photos, and checking out the new inDigiMOB App resources.
Following workshop, the Digital Mentors and Digital Access Workers presented examples of their digital activities and concerns at the Indigenous Focus Day (IFD) and participated in the Broadband for the Bush Forum. Dot West (IRCA Chair) and the Hon Lauren Moss (Minister for Corporate and Information Services) also officially launched the inDigiMOB App at the IFD Showcase Event.
Finally, members of the inDigiMOB team stopped off at Barunga Festival on the way back to Alice Springs to talk to people about the inDigiMOB program and the new inDigiMOB App.
- Employment and Skills Development Strategy - underway with Jumbunna Institute, UTS
- Redevelopment of IndigiTUBE showcase and content sharing platform - in progress
- NT Government Remote Telecommunications Forum 5/6/18- facilitated by IRCA GM
- ABC Radio Big Ideas panel interview, Telecommunications in the Bush 7/6/18
- ‘Connecting Northern Australia though Telecommunications’ stream (chaired by IRCA GM), Developing Northern Australia conference Alice Springs 19/6/18
- Presentation of IRCA’s First Nations Media Archiving Strategy at the GLAM Peak ‘Digital Access to Collections’ workshop Alice Springs 20/6/18
Inmates at the West Kimberley Regional Prison in Western Australia's have been putting together a weekly radio show to air on community stations across the country. The new program, designed to teach prisoners confidence and media skills, is the first of its kind in Australia.
A project to provide the Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Community with access to reliable telecommunications links during major weather events has won the Achieving Big Things in Small Communities Award.
The National Archive of Australia presented a copy of the Larrakia petition to the Larrakia Nation Aboriginal Corporations. The petition was signed in 1972 by 1,000 Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people from all states in mainland Australia – some with names, others with thumb prints, all of which are recorded and preserved on the record.
Sydney Film Festival recently celebrated the 25th anniversary of Screen Australia’s Indigenous Department's by showcasing a retrospective of short films funded by the department, alongside a host of global First Nations films.
The Social Return on Investment (SROI) study of First Nations media organisations undertaken by Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet has come up with an average return of 2.87:1. This means that for every $1 of investment in these organisations by government and other sources, there is $2.87 worth of community benefit. This is an excellent outcome, similar to the social return of the Ranger programs.
The study found that our organisations deliver a range of services and benefits in their communities beyond community broadcasting, including language and cultural programs, employment, training, video production, music development, festival and events, technical and IT services, archiving, building community cohesion and cultural safety, other services and support.
The Department of Communications and the Arts sought responses to the Viewer Access Satellite Television (VAST) service in June 2018. The terms of reference for the review were to advise the Minister for Regional Communications on:
- the effectiveness and efficiency of the current FTA TV service via VAST, and
- options relating to the delivery of FTA TV services in areas that doe receive a reliable local terrestrial FTA transmission.
VAST is an essential platform for many radio broadcasters in the sector with the contract service provision die to be renewed from June 2020. IRCA invited broadcasters using the VAST platform to a webinar based consultation to seek information on concerns and needs. Responses from that consultation informed the development of the IRCA response to the Department.
As there is not a feasible alternative technology in place to provide free access to radio and TV services in remote Australia, including distribution of First Nations radio and TV services, IRCA’s response to the review called for a renewal of the VAST contract for at least another 5 years. However, IRCA raised the need for a maintenance program for VAST direct-to-home equipment and a rollout of equipment to houses without the service. IRCA also called for capacity for more First nations radio services to be delivered via VAST. See the full Response on IRCA’s website.
The Regional Telecommunications Review, which is held every three years to assess telecommunications services in regional, rural and remote parts of Australia, is currently underway. Consultations are being held in 18 regional centres, with submissions accepted until 5 August.
As part of the review, the Committee will consider:
- how regional communities can maximise the economic benefits of digital technologies
- how regional consumers use their broadband services and how they might derive further benefit from it
- outcomes achieved through the Mobile Black Spot Program, and examine the extent of the existing gaps in mobile coverage in regional Australia.
See the Department of Communications and the Arts Website for the Review or more information.
This tour is a cultural fusion of voices, lyrics and music from Indigenous artists that cover the whole gamut of musical expression from country to soul and rock. TOURING 28 & 29 JUNE 2018
The Namatjira documentary will be screened nationally on ABC TV next month during NAIDOC and for a month following on iView. In March over 50 members of the Trust came from all over the desert and the country for the inaugural Annual General Meeting. SCREENING AT 9.30PM 8 July 2018
AIATSIS will be taking the old Austlang offline soon, but the new Austlang is up and running. You can provide feedback. Each language record has a feedback section about rights, wrongs and if you want information added.
Programmed Training Services is offering an amazing opportunity to complete a minimum 12 month Telecommunications Traineeship while being hosted by Telstra. COMMENCE AUGUST 2018
Regional Arts Australia is launching the Regional Arts Network, offering professional development and connectivity through networking and support to regional, remote and rural artists and arts professionals. WEBINAR 1: 11AM ON WEDNESDAY 4 JULY 2018
South Australian Native Title Services Ltd (SANTS) is based in the Adelaide CBD. SANTS is a small organisation covering a range of services including legal services, corporate & community development and business services. APPLICATIONS CLOSE MONDAY 25 JUNE 2018
This program aims to assist emerging territory Indigenous screen practitioners to develop one or more documentaries. APPLICATIONS CLOSE 29 JUNE 2018
Are you a regional or small publisher/content provider with a focus on Australian public interest journalism? Do you have innovative ideas to expand your operations and audience reach? The ACMA is delivering a new grants program to eligible print and online outlets that debate and investigate issues of public significance and inform democratic decision-making. Up to $16 million in grants is available per year, over the next three financial years. APPLICATIONS OPEN LATE JUNE 2018
INDIGENOUS REMOTE COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION (IRCA) 2/70 Elder St, PO Box 2731 Alice Springs NT 0871 comms@irca.net.au | irca.net.au | 08 8952 6465