Facebook restrictions
Does this image look familiar? Many of our members have been impacted by the restrictions imposed by Facebook yesterday on all Australian news outlets. This is Facebook's response to a proposed Bill requiring tech companies (Facebook & Google) to pay for news content. First Nations Media Australia is working to resolve this issue currently. You may have seen our public statement issued yesterday, which you're very welcome to share through your own networks. Meanwhile, we have been in contact with relevant Ministers who are working on the Code and we have written to all Senators seeking their support for amendments to the proposed legislation to protect First Nations media organisations from being caught up in an issue that is largely relevant to corporate media interests. We will continue to pursue a resolution with Government and Facebook over the weekend and into next week, highlighting the importance of First Nations media services and the need to support and strengthen our news services.
Meanwhile, head to indigiTUBE...
You can always share your content out through indigiTUBE - a platform controlled by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Adam Dixon-Galea is on hand to help you upload content and community can access it through the app which you can download here.
Not a contributor yet? Don't worry it's easy. Here's a quick video explanation to show you how to sign up and get your news content out. Or just call Adam, he'll sort you out.
CONVERGE - we're on!
We're excited to announce that after much back and forth over recent months - we're moving ahead with CONVERGE Lismore on 6-8 May. Our member co-host this year is the Koori Mail, aligning with the 30th anniversary of our national newspaper this year. CONVERGE Lismore is shaping up to be an extra-special event on Bundjalung country so don't just save the date, save the whole week!
Registrations will be opening very soon.
Remote Festival - we're off!
While CONVERGE Lismore is go - the Remote Indigenous Media Festival we had planned to run this year in the Kimberley will need to be postponed. Together with our co-hosts, PAKAM it was agreed that planning to take a large group of people into a remote community in WA right now is too risky with changing travel restrictions. Plus a delayed CONVERGE now scheduled for May makes it difficult for both our team and our members to get organised for the planned Remote Media Festival in June. So instead, we're going to re-schedule the Remote Indigenous Media Festival to 2022.
News Workshop to go ahead | 25-26 February
The FNMA News Team is busy planning the final arrangements for the Workshop in Alice Springs next week.  Documentary and News Journalist Sharon Davis is facilitating with David Liddle and Nancia Guivarra.  Participants in the workshop include community reporters Sylvia Tabua from TSIMA, Velma Gara from Townsville, Rohanna Angus from One Arm Point, WA, Fiona Hayden from Geraldson, Keisha James and Tangiora Hinaki from Ngaarda Media. Others are attending the Workshop online. For more details get in touch with David Liddle.
What next?
We want to get back on track with our AGM cycle and CONVERGE/Remote Festival rotation - so we ARE planning another CONVERGE gathering for November this year.
This means if you're planning budgets for the 2021-22 year ahead, please factor in CONVERGE November 2021 and/or Remote Indigenous Media Festival June 2022. Fingers crossed everyone!
Want to set up an online archive?
We have had a great response from First Nations media orgs who are keen to set up an archive site on the on the First Nations Media Archive hub during 2021. We are about to start adding new sites, so let us know if your organisation would like to participate.  

First Nations Media Australia has received Australia Council funding to assist up to 15 organisations to set up Mukurtu online archives on the hub. This open source system enables organisations to catalogue, upload and share your media content according to local community access protocols. FNMA can provide assistance with the setup and hosting of your site as well as targeted training and support for organisations to manage your own collections.

The Archiving Workshop in Alice Springs has been postponed to 10-12th March - there are a few places left.

Contact Daniel Featherstone for a workshop plan, to book a place, or to find out more about FNMA's archiving training and support.
TCBL Consultation
As the next step of its Future Delivery of Radio in Australia review, the ACMA is proposing amendments to the temporary community broadcasting license guidelines. A consultation process on proposed guidelines is underway with submissions due on 24 March. First Nations Media Australia will be making a submission on behalf of the sector and invites input from any members currently holding a TCBL license, or thinking about applying for one. To contribute to the FNMA submission, contact Claire. And/or you may want to make your own submission directly to the ACMA. Read the proposed guidelines and consultation process here.
Member Highlights
GRAMS Health Promotions Officer David Batty with Radio MAMA
New Program: NUTZ and BOLTZ
Geraldton Regional Aboriginal Medical Service (GRAMS) Health Promotions Officer David Batty launched his first NUTZ and BOLTZ radio show on Radio Mama to raise awareness on men’s health issues. Tune into David Batty’s NUTZ and BOLTZ radio show on Radio MAMA every Friday 11am to 12pm to hear the latest on men’s health in the Midwest region. Read more about David's story going from a Health Promotions Officer to radio producing here.
Ocean Story grants
The Earth Journalism Network is offering grants of US$1,000-$2,000 toward reporting on threats to the conservation and sustainable use of the oceans, for example polution, overfishing, factors that impact the use of oceans from an environmental perspective. Applications are due by 25 February. Read more.
Training Funds
Through its current Development & Operations grant round, the CBF is offering funds to support training in media skills, business and leadership skills. A list of training organisations for pathways and accredited training is on their website, including Goolarri Media and Batchelor Institute. Applications close on 2 March. Read more.
NAIDOC Local Grants
Applications are now open for local events to celebrate NAIDOC Week 2021, planned for 4th-11th July with the theme 'Heal Country!' Organisations can apply for funds to support local events, such as live broadcasts. Applications close 15 March. Read more.
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